
Orphans' Welfare and Poverty Alleviation (OWPA)

At the initial stage, the following two areas were the particular focus:

·         Adult Literacy; and

·         Self-employment & Poverty Alleviation.

Adult Literacy: A total of 45 centres were completed (under Phase Nos. 1 to 9): 20 centres for female participants and 25 for male participants. During 2003-2011, over two thousand adult male and female participants were helped to gain literacy, supported by 75 volunteer-trainers. The programme was implemented in three Sub-districts (Upazilas): Kaligonj, Aditmari and Gongachora.

Self-employment & Poverty Alleviation: This part of the programme is registered with the Co-operative Societies Association, the Youth Development Department (Yuba Unnayan Adidaptor) and the Department of Social Service (Shamaj Sheba Adidaptor,  Reg No. Kali/Lal/ 265/08, Date-11/06/08). Besides the distribution of cows, rickshaws and vans and sewing machines, until recently the project was actively involved in providing micro-credit which has benefited over 200 families. Half of those receiving micro-credit have been female members.                     


With the passage of time, a shift in the type of support being provided has taken place; direct help with cash and in-kindsupport featuring strongly in recent years. Perhaps this was a natural development, given the acute poverty that exists in the locality. With the aim of remaining focused, CEI has been supporting a large number ofvulnerable and poor elderly andorphans under the following two projects.


Helping the Poor Elderly:  This project has received strong support from our sister organisation: the US-based Charity Education International.  Every year, over two thousand poor and vulnerable people (mainly elderly) are helped with cash and in-kind support.  Also, in recent years, during the winter season, blankets are distributed to the poor and the needy; Mr Ariful Haque Choudhury of ASA Bangladesh has been a major donor of this particular project.


The Orphans' Welfare Project:  Since 2012, with help from two of our kind donors, Dr Sharif  Zubair and Mr Tahir Shuaipaj, we have been implementing an Orphans' Welfare Project, under which a large number of poor and vulnerable orphans have been receiving financial support. Indeed, this project has become a lifeline for many of these vulnerable children.  Under this project, two programmes are implemented:

Dr Sharif  Zubair Orphans' Welfare Programme, and

Brother Tahir Shuaipaj Orphans' Welfare Programme.


This project is being regularly monitored by a team with Mr Majedul Islam (Manager of KRHC) working as the main Co-ordinator.