
Kakina Rural Health Centre (KRHC)

Kakina Rural Health Centre (KRHC)


For about ten years since its inception in 2004, KRHC had been supporting the poor patients, often with one or two part-time medical doctors but such an arrangement was found to be inadequate for serving the needs of these patients.  Fortunately, since November 2013, KRHC has a full-time Medical Doctor, thanks to salary-support kindly provided by ASA Bangladesh, a renowned NGO of the country.  ASA has also been  kindly providing medicines (worth around Taka 20,000/= per month, to be given to the poor patients at subsidized prices).

Originally, KRHC started working in a rent-free building, located in a busy market place at Kakina Bazaar.  The building was owned by a former Chairman of Kakina Union Council, Mr Kahbir Uddin (popularly known as Khabir Chairman) who, until his death in 2008, remained a dedicated Volunteer of CEI, and did not charge any rent.  The original arrangement remained operational for an extra five years, i.e. even after his death. 

However, with support from CEI, a building was constructed on a plot of landowned by KRHC.  So, it was possible for the Clinic to move to this newly constructed building in November, 2013.  Originally, there was some apprehension whether it was going to be the right move, especially as the new building's location was somewhat remote; fortunately, the concerns were unfounded.  Indeed, the Clinic at the new building has turned out to be popular with the patients, in particular, the female patients have found it an attractive location.

It may be mentioned that KRHC was established mainly to compensate for the deficiency of health facilities in the locality. In Lalmonirhat district (where the KRCH is located), medical expenditures incurred by the Government are negligible.  Indeed, there are hardly any qualified medical doctors working in the villages.

Thus, KRHC has been helping especially the poor patients of the locality with regular day-time surgeries, and it has also been running regular health camps at various key locations.  Moreover, a number of specific health programmes including the following have been implemented:

1. Filariasis
2. Goitre
3. Cleft-Lip
4. Eye diseases

Filaria (the hydrocele) is a common debilitating infection in this area caused by the filarial parasite, introduced by a mosquito bite. It is characterised by swollen testicles which can even prevent the sufferer from wearing trousers or riding a bicycle, affecting their ability to work. Patients suffering from goitre (caused by an overactive thyroid/ hyperthyroidism) suffer from swelling in the neck (just below the Adam's apple or larynx) and bulging eyes. KRHC is committed to helping to reduce the occurrence of the disease, by educating the people to avoid being bitten by the mosquitos, and if they are bitten, treat them with available medicines.

KRHC is also now keen to havingtheir mini Diagnostic/Pathology Centre operational soon, thus providing at least some basic medical tests for the impoverished patients.


Ambulance for Poor Patients.  Thanks to the generosity of our well-wishers and supporters, in April 2018,we delivered an Ambulance to Kakina Rural Health Centre.  Indeed, the Ambulance is greatly helpingthe poor and vulnerable patients as they have no other means of transport to take them to the hospitals/clinics, the nearest ones are mainly located about 18 Kilometers away (in Rangpur city and Lalmonirhat town).


List of Doctors and Supporting Staffs at KRHC


List of some of the recent Medical Doctors who have served at KRHC:


Dr. Ahshan Habib Bulu MBBS (part-time, Oct, 2012 to Dec, 2012)

Dr. Mahfuj Ahmed MBBS (part-time, Jan, 2013 to Apr, 2013)

Dr. Rabiul Islam MBBS (part-time, May, 2013 to Oct, 2013)

Dr. Rawza Firoz MBBS (full-time, Nov, 2013 to Aug, 2014 and part-time during 2014-16)

Dr. Farzana Begum MBBS (full-time, Sep, 2014 to Mar, 2015)

Dr. Hemamalini Roy MBBS (full-time, Apr, 2015 to Oct, 2015)

Dr. Sharia Tasnin Kakon MBBS (full-time, Nov, 2015 to Aug, 2016)

Dr. Liakot Ali MBBS (full-time, since Sep, 2016).


List of Supporting Staff at KRHC:

Mr Abu Shahadot (Honorary Project Director)

Mr Majedul Islam (Manager)

Mr Mominur Rahman (Asst Manager)

Miss Mahbuba Akhtar, (Nurse) (Nov, 2013 - Mar, 2015)

Miss Mohsena Begum, (Nurse) (July, 2016-Aug, 2016)

Most Abion Nessa (Midwife)

Most Kamala Banu (Cleaner)

Mr Yasin Ali (Night Guard)


Health Visitors: Thanks to support from ASA, there are also five health visitors, shown below, who regularly make home visits especially checking the health of the members of ASA.  In particular, they regularly monitor the expectant mothers. 

1. Anjali Rani

2. Nazmun Nahar

3. Khodeja Begum

4. Mukta Begum

5. Rubina Parvin




CEI is committed to serving the poor and the needy, and we desperately need your help and support!

Small Health Items

Blood collection tubes (box of 100): £12.50

Multistix(for urine tests, 25-piece): £15.00


Larger Health Items

Digital Portable Ultrasound (for monitoring unborn babies):£550.00

Digital Ultra Sonogram (for monitoring unborn babies): £1,500.00

GE MAC 800 Portable ECG Machine (for heart monitoring):  £3,000.00



To make donations you can transfer money directly:

Name of Account: Charity Education International

Bank: Clydesdale Bank

Sort code:  82-64-27 Account:  40173232


And you can also Gift Aid your donation.

To request a Gift Aid Form, please e-mail us at contact@ceiuk.org