
UttarBangla University College (UUC)

UttarBangla University College (UUC)

Infrastructural Developments

Also known as Uttar Bangla College (UBC), it  is the major CEI-supported project. Poverty and lack of educational opportunities go hand in hand. In equipping the young people, CEI has been actively trying to tackle the very roots of poverty.



International Links & Scottish Volunteer Teaching Programme

At an early stage, CEI  helped to implement an “International Teaching Volunteer Programme” under which a number of British teachers made short teaching visits to Uttar Bangla College mainly to take part in Workshops, helping to improve English proficiency among the students and the teaching staff. These early visits were coordinated  by Mr Peter Morrison (who served for some 10 years as the Education Officer of CEI) and, subsequently, by Ms Anne Howie, an experienced CEI Board Member.

Following a collaborative link with the University College Cork (UCC) in Ireland, in 2008 UUC hosted two Irish Hons students (Katie and Adelaide) who spent a six-month period at UUC carrying out their research on poverty alleviation. Next year, another visit took place when two new Irish students (Brigid and Jacintha) were on placement at UUC,  and their main focus of research was female empowerment. Brigid and Jacintha also worked as Tutorial Assistants, helping the UUC students especially of the English Honours class improve their spoken English proficiency.


Scottish Volunteer Teaching Programme

With support from CEI, an English and ICT proficiency enhancement program is currently being implemented.  It is a three-year project, helping UUC staff and students to improve their English and ICT proficiency.

Name Designation
Irene Graham* Project Director
Julie Gibson (Jun-Jul 2014) IT Teacher
Carla Sayer (Sep-Nov 2014) English Teacher
Ellaine Bryceland (Sep-Nov 2014) IT Teacher
Amish Amin (Jan-Mar 2015) IT Teacher
Cathy Crawford (Jan-Mar 2015) English Teacher
Michael Caldwell (May-Jun 2015) English Teacher
Amish Amin (Sep-Oct 2015) IT Teacher
Brenda Wearmouth (Oct-Nov 2015) English Teacher
Lea-Rae Rodwell (Oct-Nov 2015) IT Teacher
Cathy Crawford (Jan-Mar 2016) English Teacher
Ishrat Gazala (Oct-Nov 2016) English Teacher
David Kenvyn (Oct-Nov 2016) Senior Librarian

     Note: * Irene Graham has visited UUC nine times along with various Volunteers. 

UUC PhD Programme

A relatively new initiative, under which seven staff members of UUC are currently undertaking PhD research in a nearby Indian University in West Bengal (Raiganj University). A new batch of UUC staff members for PhD admission in 2017 is also now under preparation. CEI is, indeed, delighted to help in any possible way to implement this worthwhile programme.